Monday, August 31, 2009

Intrafitt Performance Training Center new schedule

Hey Campers,
I just wanted to start off by saying thanks.

THANK YOU for your business...

for your trust in me...

and for the continued feedback you provide that helps me better serve you.

The new schedule is finally complete. So, please pick the class you would like to attend ASAP. If any of you have not seen the new facility it's going to a fantastic season and we will have some awesome workouts. But, it will not accommodate as many campers per hour as the church. So space and registration for a certain time that fits your schedule will be a must. To top it all off bodybusters canceled their 9:30am class and I have been getting many calls from their former campers looking to join our camp. I want to see you my existing clients first so please register now and your space will be secured or else it will be gone especially the 915 and 10:15 Mon/Wed/Fri Also, we will be adding some new classes and more convenient times to the schedule: Beginners bootcamp,
Kettlebell bootcamp (awesome!!!),
Mixed Martial Arts
Mom and Baby stroller bootcamp.
(So if you know any new moms that want to get their bodies back send them over!!)

I look forward to seeing all of you September 9.

P.S Please don't forget to register for the classes.

Our new address is
46 Fieldway road
Unit 8
Toronto, Ontario

Off to the ROCK!!!

Hey campers,
I'm heading to St. Johns Newfoundland to visit my inlaws for the rest of the week.

Bootcamp will resume with the new schedule next week. Starting September 9th. Everyone enjoy your long weekend and be safe.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

37 Fat Loss Tips to get you there!

Being a Personal Trainer, everywhere I always go, I continually get asked the same thing over and over again, what is the best tip you can give me to lose weight? or something along those lines. It honesty becomes a little much sometimes, as there is no one thing that will make the change but a list of many that will get you your dream body. I have decided to write this list and keep a copy on me from now on so the next time I get asked I will simply whip it out and let them read.

Not all of these tips will be found in text books as some I just had to learn over time. If you follow these tips you will start achieving your goals sooner than you think.
1. You can never out train a bad diet, nutrition is 90% of the problem, you must fix this first.
2. The food pyramid is a lie, flip it upside down and you will get closer to what you should be eating.
3. If you cant pronounce the ingredients on the back of the food you probably shouldn’t eat it.
4. Always write down goals for yourself. If you don’t know where you are headed how will you get there?
5. Tell as many people as possible what you are going to achieve as it makes it harder to fail.
6. Fad diets are not good, though following controlled nutrition is what you want. Eating lettuce and water will get you no where, fast. Ensure all your meals are complete with protein, veggies and fats.
7. Understand what you should be doing in the gym, you can’t just show up, lift a few weights and expect results to happen, you must have a plan.
8. Don’t take fat loss advice from someone that doesn’t look like they practice what they preach. You don’t take financial advice from a bum on the street so don’t take training advice from someone who looks like their staple diet is Krispy Kreme and their exercise is hopping up off the couch.
9. 90% of personal trainers suck, sorry but it’s true. It is easy to become a trainer these days, so you as a consumer must sift through the crap. Research them out and make sure they have testimonials and have a proven track record of getting results. Ask them for Guaranteed results or money back, you will be surprised as that is my biggest selling point when it comes to my programs.
10. Watch out who you surround yourself with, there is a saying that reigns true “If your 9 closest friends are broke then you will be the 10th and if your 9 closest friends are millionaires then your will be the 10th. This is also true with fitness, so surround yourself with like minded fit people and you will achieve greatness.
11. Take action
12. Take action
13. Take action now. I cant stress this enough, do not wait until all your ducks are in a row as they never will be, just do it now.
14. If you slip up don’t stress. Just get back on the horse as fast as you can.
15. Thoughts equal actions. Focus on what you want not what you don’t want. If you focus on the cellulite or love handles you will keep it. Though if you focus on how you are getting a amazing flat stomach then it will happen.
16. If you are trying to lose body fat, stop doing cardio at a consistent pace for 45 minutes as it does nothing for you. Start doing interval training to burn fat fast!
19. If you aren’t doing weights, START NOW!
22. Yoga and Pilates is great for flexibility though crap for body fat loss.
23. Exercise with someone as this will help you stay accountable.
24. Always take a post workout protein shake after a workout, it will get protein into your muscles and help them repair, while at the same time lifting your metabolism. If you do not have a shake post work out then your body may start eating away at its own muscle mass to get nutrients causing a drop in metabolism and a reduction in results.
25. Fats are good, consume them in every meal – avocado, nuts, olive oil, almond and cashew butter, flax and fish oils.
26. Aim for 5 solid meals a day and one liquid post workout. You can not just drink your meals, it does not require much energy to break down liquids so make sure you eat solids when possible.
27. Talk to someone who has been where you are and has achieved the results you want. No one person is the same though it will help for guidance.
28. Persistency is the key, never quit as all things good take time.
29. Stop procrastinating or waiting till Monday to start as Monday will never come.
30. The first sign of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. If it didn’t work before, then it won’t work now so change up your workout.
31. Stay outside of your comfort zone as much as you can. Doing uncomfortable things will result in growth as a human being and more skills. If you don’t feel comfortable then you are most probably moving backwards.
33. If you don’t train hard, your muscles will never be hard. You must lift intensity in your workout to achieve amazing results and stop the jiggle
34. Get away from using machines at the gym. They burn fewer calories, they wreck your posture and are a pain for the joints as one size does not fit all.
35. Always aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep a day, you need this for full, psychological and physiological repair.
36. Track of your eating habits, this will make you watch more closely what you are putting into your mouth.
37. When your lifting weights for fat loss, stick to big movements, don’t isolate your muscle groups.
So these are my tips to help you achieve your dream body, if you can’t do them all then pick the 20% that will be the most influential. It goes with everything in life that 80% of the results come from the most influential 20% of the work. When reflecting on the list the most influential here would be Nutrition and to just stop talking about it and start doing it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interval Training Defined

Interval Training Defined

Interval training is one of those hot phrases that is loosely and irresponsibly thrown around. It is no wonder it can often be confused with the wrong thing or interpreted as a different type of training. Since I work with clientele interested in fat loss and sports conditioning I’m going to explain interval training for those results.

Interval training by definition from Wikipedia means a type of physical training that involves bursts of high intensity work. This high intensity work is alternated with periods of rest or low activity (the intervals in interval training). The term can refer to any cardiovascular workout (e.g. cycling, running, rowing, etc.) that involves brief bouts at near-maximum exertion interspersed with periods of lower-intensity activity.

Now that sheds some insight on what interval training is in general. Interval training can be used over a wide variety of training goals and programs. Athletes, fat loss, increased cardiovascular efficiency, or to maintain overall health. So in terms of fat loss, we need to dig deeper and find the right interval that is going to work for the most effective results.

For this I’ll paint a visual picture. Think of two Olympic athletes. One is a 100 meter sprinter and the other is a marathon runner. Both are high level athletes and both perform interval training. But if we look at their interval training programs deeper, you will see a very obvious difference. The marathon runners intervals will be much longer and for a longer period of time. The sprinters will be shorter and for a shorter overall time. When we see that we then have to decide which body type we want. On average a sprinters body fat will be at around 6-8 percent body fat or lower, where a marathon runners body fat will be at around 9-13 percent. And there is no denying the physique of each individual athlete, it comes down to what you prefer to look like and if you want to lose as much fat as possible, you must train as a sprinter in terms of interval training.

The other benefit to interval training is the amount of time it takes. 20 minutes is the sweet spot for effective interval training. Now that doesn’t seem like very much but with interval training the most effective time for fat to be lost isn’t during the workout. You are priming the body to burn fat for the recovery part of your workout (after you are done). Studies have been performed on measuring the amount of calories burned after a bout of interval training and showed that you will burn 9 times more calories after your workout than you will with longer steady state cardio exercise. And this carries over to weight training and other methods of training. Counting calories burned within a workout not only distracts from your intensity of a workout, it is also compromising your results.

So in terms of fat loss, the best interval training work to rest ratios are: 20 seconds of work 10 seconds rest; 30 seconds of work 90 seconds rest- then work your way down to 60 seconds rest and 30 seconds rest. All of these can be done in 20 minutes. If you are looking for a bit longer intervals 60 seconds of work 60-120 seconds rest is also a good interval to use. Any longer than 20 minutes and you are close to crossing the line between interval training and steady state cardio training which will compromise your results.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A little bit of Love...

I know this week was full of really hard training sessions. But, all of trained hard and got through them with terrific success!! I'm very impressed with all of you.

Great job!!

BTW- if was great to see you again KARPUS!!!!

The silent killer....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The big circuit

Awesome work today camper!!!!